Episode 9: Time’s Up, Cars Suck!
New York City used to be all about car culture. But throughout the 1990’s and early 2000’s, environmental advocates and local community members built a culture surrounding non-pollutant transportation. Eventually, these efforts helped establish the bike lane infrastructure that so many New Yorkers utilize and value today.
In this episode, “Time’s Up Cars Suck!,” Bill Di Paola (Founder of Time’s Up and Director of The Museum for Reclaimed Urban Space) tells a story about biking in New York City, the establishment of the environmental group Time’s Up, and the value of grassroots and community-led initiatives to shaping sustainable urban design. Di Paolo reflects on the ways that group bike rides build a sense of community, and how that sense of community becomes a means for making the city a safer, and environmentally healthier, place.
All proceeds from this episode will be donated to Time’s Up, a grassroots environmental group that uses educational outreach and direct action to promote a more sustainable, less toxic city.
Sound Samples Featured in This Episode:
Central Park:
Times Square:
Biking along 2nd Avenue:
East River Park:
Additional Audio was Sourced from Documentary Material Housed at the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space (link)
Further Resources: